Goldie Goes Global

[The World in a Nutshell] WanderTales: Stories of adventures and misadventures

Honey Garlic Butter Roasted Carrots (Step-by-Step for Dummies 101)

I made Roasted Broccoli with olive oil, salt and pepper last week, and it was an unmitigated success! This week, I decided to expand my horizons by trying out roasted carrots. While I had heard that the same olive oil, salt, and pepper combo would work quite well; I decided to experiment a bit and research new recipes to try out – and what I’m sharing below is the result!

This is now top of my carrot recipe list

To be honest, this is soooo good. Not as healthy as I initially thought it would be given the amount of butter I used, but yummy enough that I think this is one of the veggie dishes I’ll probably keep recreating over and over again in the years to come.



DIFFICULTY: Easy, with minimal prep involved

SERVING SIZE: Good for 5 people




Lots of veggies!
  • 750g carrots, washed and peeled and sliced
  • 1/3 cup butter (I know, it’s deadly)
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 6 garlic cloves, minced
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp pepper
  • 2 tbsp parsley, chopped (equivalent to 10g of parsley)



  • Pre-heat the oven to 220 deg C
  • Wash the carrots, peel them, and slice. Some people are okay with unpeeled carrots, but I really can’t. I also prefer to slice the carrots into smaller pieces, so that they’re bite-sized
Had fun chopping up the carrots
  • Heat pan over medium-heat fire, then melt 1/3 cup butter in the pan
Look at all that butter! Definitely not healthy
  • When butter is melted, pour in the 3 tbsp of honey and keep stirring until it’s completely melted through the butter
Honey and butter combined is pure heaven
  • Once done, lower the heat, then add the garlic and stir for 30 seconds or until you start smelling the fragrant garlic smell
  • Add the carrots, plus salt and pepper. Then, keep stirring to make sure all the carrots are slathered liberally with the sauce and seasoning.
I should’ve used a larger pan
  • Prior to transferring, liberally coat the carrots in the sauce. Transfer the carrots to the baking sheet in a single layer to make sure they cook evenly. Keep the remaining sauce in the pan
Single layer to ensure they’re cooked evenly
  • Check to make sure oven is at 220 deg C. Roast for 20 minutes to allow the carrots to become coat-tender, as well as achieve that nice caramelized char on the edges
220 deg C is HOT. But it achieves the roast you’re aiming for
From pre-roast to post-roast
  • Once done, transfer to a bowl and pour the remaining sauce as well as the parsley over the cooked carrots. **If you want a thicker sauce glaze, you can add ½ tsp cornstarch and 2 tsp water to the sauce, then stir quickly on high heat until the sauce thickens. I didn’t do this as I thought my sauce texture was pretty good already
  • Mix and serve!