Goldie Goes Global

[The World in a Nutshell] WanderTales: Stories of adventures and misadventures

Wildflour to Go Honest Review

Looking back at my pre-COVID era (yes, that is how I now categorize my food escapades), it’s surprising to realize how often I frequented Wildflour. While it certainly isn’t ranked as one of my favorite restaurants, it was generally a good hangout place for decent food and great ambiance. COVID and the subsequent lockdown changed all that. Here I am, almost a year later, realizing that hadn’t had a meal from Wildflour for almost a year now. On the one hand, it’s such a bummer to have been deprived of good restaurant meals. On the other hand, this period has also exposed me to a lot of budding home kitchens, which has been pretty exciting as well (tons of hit or miss though, since there isn’t as robust a feedback system in place yet).

Well, for New Year, I certainly didn’t want any “misses.” I wanted good comfort food without the hassle of cooking it myself. That’s where Wildflour came in. I finally got to try their new website – Wildflour to Go. To be honest, the website isn’t mobile friendly, so I’d advise you to do your menu shopping on a laptop/computer instead.

All these ramblings aside – let’s get into the food review shall we?

Verdict: Wildflour’s greatest charm is its ambiance, not its food


What I ordered:

For breakfast:

For lunch:

For dessert:


Plain Croissant

Plain. Flakey. Buttery. Those three pretty much describe their croissants. I had an awful toothache around this time (ugh on New Year’s!!!), but sinking my teeth into these croissants was simply divine. Love the flaky layers of crust and soft buttery bread.

Delicious Wildflour buttery croissants

The problem is, I still haven’t figured out how to reheat these croissants properly. I’ve tried using a toaster and the microwave. Both times were complete failures, as the croissant ended up becoming a bit stale? Definitely not the crispy croissant I was aiming for. Yuck! Only solution currently? Eat them as soon as I get them!

Having said that, I think I actually prefer Butterboy’s croissants more. Of course, that might be because I’m thinking of their Truffle Fondue Basket, and comparing it to a plain croissant – a bit of an unfair competition, no? Alas, the stomach wants what it wants.


Mixed Berry Cronut

This is a croissant-donut hybrid and I was ridiculously excited to try it. Pictures do not do it justice. Just looking at these images remind me of the delicious mixed berries icing, and the oozing custard filling within this flaky concoction!

Would I order this again? Definitely! Perhaps I’ll try other flavor combos next time by getting an assortment vs just one flavor alone.

Loving these Wildflour Mixed Berry Cronut

Having said that, it is quite sweet, which I obviously love, but may not be everyone’s cup of tea


Kimchi Fried Rice – Party Tray

Kimchi Fried Rice is pretty much my go-to order when I go to Wildflour. Now that I know how to make my own Kimchi Fried Rice, you’d think I’d stay away from this dish. Well, I decided I should give it a try and see how my perception of it might have changed now that I actually know what goes into this dish.

Hmmm. Let’s just say I appreciate it less now LOL. The downfall of knowledge. Now that I know what ingredients go into it, I also know how much it must’ve cost roughly to cook this meal and the really expensive price definitely does NOT reflect that cost. Nevertheless, it’s hard to go wrong with Wildflour’s Kimchi Fried Rice, especially with the delicious braised beef brisket and egg topping.


Mushroom Rice Bowl – Party Tray

Whole grains, black rice, roasted mushrooms, sambal, sweet soy, and fried egg. Sounds healthy? It was VERY healthy. I don’t know what I was thinking when I ordered this! In my defense, I had tried this last time and liked it. I was also drinking a ton of mimosa during that time, which might be the reason why I liked it… Kidding! It’s good. Very flavorful – but a bit too healthy for the likes of me.

Having said that, I didn’t order it for me. I ordered it for my grandparents. To be fair, they liked it. Everything was easy to chew, the flavor palette was rather mild – so definitely a good dish for them to have.


Bucatini and Meatballs

I had ordered this for my mom really. She loves red sauce noodles and so I decided to buy a solo serving of what is essentially spaghetti and meatballs. I regret… ONLY ORDERING A SOLO SERVING.

I’m not a fan of red sauce – but this simple dish was sooo good. Made up of Garlic, chili, tomato sauce, basil, and parmesan; it makes me wonder what food magic Wildflour chefs have that allow them to create these delicious dishes, and why the heck can’t I work the same magic?!

I didn’t take a photo of the Bucatini and Meatballs alone, so all you get is this snapshot (look how small it is compared to the party trays!)


Honey Cake

No meal is complete without cake. Now, Wildflour is famous for their Salted Chocolate Cake, but I’ve had that previously AND my sister makes an amazing Chocolate Cake. So… I decided to get their Honey Cake instead – which is Wildflour’s dulce de leche equivalent.

Wildflour’s Honey Cake looks rather dumpy at first glance

Initially underwhelming, it certainly doesn’t live up to the honey cake I had in Budapest (it was purchased from a local supermarket, but still ranks #1 in my Honey Cake category). It got better though. The longer it stayed in the refrigerator, and the smaller the cake got as we consumed it from day to day, the better it started to taste!

Weird. Anyway, definitely not my first pick, but I wouldn’t say no to it either.

But it definitely looks a ton more appetizing upon second glance, and bite!


Overall Verdict

Surprisingly meh. Perhaps I appreciated Wildflour a lot more for its great ambiance and its central locations (BGC, Greenhills, Salcedo), and less for its food. Still, while the food doesn’t wow, it’s still pretty good. I’m looking forward to eating there again with family and friends once this whole lockdown is over!