Goldie Goes Global

[The World in a Nutshell] WanderTales: Stories of adventures and misadventures


Tag: Island hopping

Everything you need to know about Coron, including what to do beyond island hopping (as a DIY tourist!)

The Philippines is world-renowned for its sun kissed beaches, most prominent of which is Boracay. However, the Palawan beaches are no lightweights either – with the golden trifecta of Puerto Prinsesa, El Nido, and Coron easily holding their weight against Read more…

Honda Bay Island Hopping: A guide to enjoying the touristy and not-so-touristy beaches of Puerto Prinsesa

One fine weekend, my friends and I decided to head to Puerto Prinsesa for some beach loving and island hopping. With nothing but the sun, sand, and sea, and of course, the company of good friends and sinfully delicious food Read more…