Goldie Goes Global

[The World in a Nutshell] WanderTales: Stories of adventures and misadventures

ChelleyCakesPH Ube Cream Cheese Basque Burnt Cheesecake Honest Review

I am always on the prowl for the latest fad in the metro (provided it’s at a reasonable price), and Basque Burnt Cheesecake has been the latest “in” thing ever since the Sushi Bake craze started and never ended. Luckily, I have an amazing baker sister who whips this up regularly so I was fully satisfied. Even more luckily, my sister has really good baker friends as well, who shower us with their delicious creations. Truly, birds of the same feather flock together… Why don’t any of my friends bake or cook like a goddess? Oh yeah, because I don’t either LOL.

Anyway, long story short, my sister bought this too pretty to eat Ube Cream Cheese Basque Burnt Cheesecake from ChelleyCakesPH, and I realized there exists a WHOLE WORLD outside of the “traditional” Basque Burnt Cheesecake. Currently, she has 4 flavors – either in an 8″ round cake form or a 2″ cupcake form:

  • Classic
  • Coffee
  • Ube Cream Cheese
  • Salted Caramel

Don’t get me wrong, they all looked fantastic – but the ube cream cheese was practically screaming to be purchased (reminds me of the ube cheese pandesal craze as well….). A few days later, this package showed up *drool*

ChelleyCakesPH Ube Cream Cheese Basque Burnt Cheesecake

Honest review? It’s great. Loved the rich creamy flavor throughout the cake, with a strong hint of ube (which btw, really tastes like my sister’s homemade ube ice cream when she made it too creamy lol). The cheesecake practically melts in your mouth and you just want to savor it for as long as you can – only to realize that the rest of the family is devouring the cake without you and you really gotta keep up.

Look at that beautiful contrast

Having said that, the 8″ cake may look small, but it’s nakakaumay after awhile because it’s just SO packed! So I suggest you eat one slice and call it a night. It will taste MUCH better when you savor each and every bite. Also, don’t forget to take out the burnt surface. My mom initially kept complaining that everything tasted burnt… Aba malamang, she was eating the burnt parts!

Overall, a happy buy and I’m now pestering my sister to also experiment with her Basque Burnt Cheesecakes, with me as the happy tester pig. Oink!