EatSoYummyPH DIY Cooking Kit (Sukiyaki, Bibimbap, Bulgogi) and Steak Honest Review
April 1, 2021

One of the things I hate the most about cooking is the ingredient prep. I don’t mind the actual cooking, but I HATE all the chopping that needs to come before it, and que horror, the clean up that needs to occur after. That’s why I’m always on the lookout for DIY Cooking Kits where everything’s already prepped and you simply need to pop it into the microwave/oven/pan to (re)cook it quickly.
Well, when I saw EatSoYummyPH‘s offerings, I was pretty excited. They have a really wide selection of offerings to choose from – not just DIY Kits, but also frozen foods like steak, salmon, etc.
Happily, I went about shopping and ordered the following:
- Korean Beef Bulgogi
- Bibimbap DIY Kit
- Sukiyaki DIY Kit
- Steak Sampler (USDA Ribeye, Australian Porterhouse, Australian T-Bone)
So without further ado, here’s my honest review!
Korean Beef Bulgogi
- Price: PHP 499
- Serving Size: Good for 4-5
I ended up having to cook this first because the sauce spilled en route to my house. I wish they had sealed it properly as the sauce ended up all over the plastic bag. Thankfully, the other dishes were sealed quite tightly so they weren’t contaminated.
Cooking this was relatively simple – simply cook in the pan for a couple of minutes.
Taste-wise, it was a bit oily, but yummy. Very yummy! While there was some fatty layers, the strips were quite thin so you could happily eat the fats without the ick factor.
Bibimbap DIY Kit
- Price: PHP 350
- Serving Size: Good for 1-2
- Includes: Vegetables (spinach, carrots, zucchini, bean sprout, mushroom), minced meat, gochujang sauce
This was VERY simple and easy to cook. Rice was provided by me, which I placed into the bowl. Then, I dumped all the toppings on top and put it inside the microwave to heat. Afterwards, just mix it all together. Cook fried egg (provided by myself) and place on top. After mixing everything, I tasted it and decided to add more gochujang (from my own stash) into the mix as I like mine spicy.
Overall, this was good. It’s difficult to go wrong with bibimbap because it’s pretty easy to make, just incredibly time consuming to chop and cook (where needed) the vegetables. I guess the question of whether or not I’d reorder this would depend on how lazy I’m feeling.
Sukiyaki DIY Kit
- Price: PHP 499
- Serving Size: Good for 4-5
- Includes: Sukiyaki Base, Shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, veggies, leeks, tofu, onion, carrots, vermicelli noodles, egg (for dipping sauce)
To cook this, EatSoYummyPH created this really good cooking tutorial – where they teach you how to assemble the sukiyaki. You can opt to pay more for a kit that includes beef or pork, but I opted to just purchase the sliced beef separately from Monterey – cheaper this way, and I could control the amount of beef I could put in
You have to create your own soup base mix using the Sukiyaki Base and water. I’m particularly proud of my mix because my sister said it was just the right taste and consistency – not too sweet, not too salty. Just right!
Overall, I really liked this. I’d probably order this again.
Steak Sampler
- Price: PHP 1,999
- Serving Size: Good for 8
- Includes: 2 pcs USDA Ribeye, 2 pcs Australian Porterhouse, 2 pcs Australian T-Bone
Okay, nothing beats USDA Ribeye steaks still. I find it a lot more flavorful and just easier to cook. Of course, it’s also the steak I’ve consistently been cooking for the past year or so…
The Porterhouse and T-Bone were tricky in that there was the tenderloin part and the New York strip part – both of which had to be cooked at different temperatures. Of course, lazy me just opted to cook at them at the same time in the same way. LOL! I REALLY liked the tenderloin part though. I think I may have overcooked these steaks but the tenderloin was still so amazingly tender afterwards. Simply superb!
Another thing I learned here is that for these types of steak, you’re supposed to score the sides, as the fat in the surroundings will contract faster compared to the meat, which could then cause the steak to balloon. Oh well, I learned this the hard way. Still, I thought it was quite delicious and still have 2 pcs of uncooked steak in the freezer just waiting to be cooked!
Overall – I think EatSoYummyPH is pretty great value for money, BUT I think they can improve on their service. For example – I requested for delivery at 11am, but it arrived at 1pm. In between that time, I had a super difficult time reaching them. I was messaging on Instagram, texting, and calling – and it took them awhile to get back to me. All of this was incredibly frustrating to me as a buyer, as I had this niggling thought na parang “Have I been scammed???” Thankfully, no scam, and I got the food at 1PM. Still, it was rather nervewracking.