Alas Juicy Adobong Tahong Honest Review
November 14, 2021

My friend had gifted me MMJ Eats Adobong Tahong previously and I really loved it. In particular, the Original and Sweet Chili variant were just LOVE. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to be cooking anymore (I guess it was a pandemic business only), and so I’ve been searching for a substitute.
Tada! I found Alas Juicy – which is one of the original Adobong Tahong sellers. I was pretty excited tbh. So excited I bought 6 jars LOL (I may have gone a bit overboard).
I applied the same cooking method to this one – caramelized onions first, then dumped in the adobong tahong for a quick stir.
Overall – hmmm. I think at PHP 240 for 225g, it’s decently priced. So price-wise, it’s fine.
Taste-wise, I think I prefer MMJ Eats’ Sweet Chili actually, just because it had a lot more sweet spicy flavor that I was looking for! This was still okay, but I feel like it doesn’t supplant my fond memories of MMJ Eats’ tahong. Or am I just remembering it with rose-tinted glasses? Hmm, hard to say. But this was still good, and the customer service and purchase transaction was super smooth.
FYI – what you see in the photo is 3 jars’ worth – so that’s around 675g!
Having said that, I’ll probably check out other adobong tahong seller still.