8 Spoons Party Tray Honest Review
June 11, 2021

8 Spoons is a local caterer (I don’t know how long they’ve been around) that’s literally a stone’s throw away from my house. They’ve got a huge selection of party trays to choose from and have been receiving rave reviews (even from people I know!). So for my birthday, I decided to check them out – nothing to lose and everything to gain, especially if they’re indeed as good as I hear they are!
Verdict? They’re good. I ended up ordering from them again two weeks later. The thing is, since they have so many menu items, I can keep ordering from them again and again! Perfect when I’m lazy to cook.
So without further ado, let me walk you through my personal favorites, which I’ll continue adding to as I check out more of their food trays.
#1 Grilled Miso Butter Prawns
- Price: PHP 690 (XS)
So many friends raved about this dish so I was curious if it would live up to the hype.
It’s good. ‘Nuff said. The miso butter sauce really seeps into the prawn. And the sauce in and of itself is simply delicious (and also deadly, but who cares about that right?)
I really really liked this dish. I only wish their prawns were bigger in size – everything pales in comparison to Sergeant Crabs Kitchen’s humongous prawns.
#2 Baked Prawns Thermidore
- Price: PHP 1,600 (XS)
This was pretty good too!! Love the thermidore sauce – such cheesy goodness! Mind you, I’m not a huge cheese fan, but this was just right. Flavorful without being overpowering!
In retrospect, it’s quite pricey though. Hmmm.
#3 BBQ Pork Belly
- Price: PHP 480 (XS)
BBQ Pork Belly is always good – a classic. What I like here is how incredibly tender the BBQ Pork is. Don’t expect anything lifechanging but it’s just good food done right.
Now that we’re done with my rundown of favorites, these are the other dishes I’ve ordered that didn’t make the cut
Spicy Korean Beef Stew w/ Teokbokki and Cheese
- Price: PHP 630 (XS)
I had super high expectations for this dish!!! Actually, it was okay. It just didn’t taste like the Korean Beef Stew that I like (and was subconsciously expecting to get). So for context, I really really like the Korean Beef Stew from a now defunct restaurant in Banawe – absolute favorite. Unfortunately, they’re closed now so I’ve been looking for an alternative. This wasn’t it.
To be fair! The beef was incredibly tender, and the flavor was really good too. So maybe I’m being unfair here…
Anyway! I also didn’t like the teokbokki as I found it rather tough to chew. But my sister really liked it.
This dish is polarizing, so don’t take my word for it and order it to try!
Roasted Nori Salmon Aburi
- Price: PHP 690 (XS)
I thought the roasted nori sauce was really yummy, unfortunately the sauce doesn’t really seep into the salmon itself (the salmon piece is rather thick, so perhaps they should stick with thin pieces so that the sauce can cover more surface area)
I also thought the salmon was a bit dry, but it wasn’t bad per se, just not as moist and tender as I like them
The vegetables were good. Nice and crunchy!