Goldie Goes Global

[The World in a Nutshell] WanderTales: Stories of adventures and misadventures

The Frozen Movement Premium Baby Back Ribs Honest Review

My mom’s been craving for ribs for months now (which I have been kind of ignoring because there’s been no space in my Sunday menu for ribs!). But now, there is finally white space! So, I was choosing between Ribs Manila which came well-recommended by a friend or, The Frozen Movement‘s Baby Back Ribs, which no one recommended but I see very often on the Fil-Chi Ho Tsia Ho Dim group. Haha!

So anyway, I was already pretty set on Ribs Manila. I messaged them and was getting ready to pay. But suddenly! The person I was chatting from The Frozen Movement messaged me and told me they finally had stock of their baby back ribs! (Last I messaged, they had run out). Anyway, I took this as a sign that I should order some ribs from them instead. Sorry Ribs Manila – it’s all about timing.

These baby back ribs come from Spain and come in 1kg vacuum sealed packages. Each 1kg pack costs PHP 799, which I think is pretty cheap?

The best part for me is how incredibly no-frills it is. To cook:

  • Pre-heat the oven at 150 deg C.
  • Let the ribs thaw then place them on the oven pan.

  • Separate out the sauce/marinade onto a separate bowl.
  • Brush the ribs with the marinade (this is yummy!), then plop the ribs into the oven and set it to 200 deg C.
  • Take out after 15 minutes and brush with sauce again.

And that’s it! Super easy right? While prepping everything and letting it reheat, I had time to finish one episode of A Victim’s Game. Such a good use of time.

Anyway, on to the food review. I found the ribs a tad dry, it wasn’t fall off the bone per se, but it wasn’t tough either. When dipped liberally into the marinade, it’s pretty good. I particularly enjoyed the fatty parts hehehe (of which there were not many 🙁 <- a good thing according to my mom, a bad thing according to me!)

Overall – pretty enjoyable meal. And yes, my family of 5 finished 2kg worth of ribs #PatayGutom. Still, nothing beats Rub Ribs BBQ so far (THAT was literally fall off the bone, mmm!). Let’s see if Ribs Manila can do better.