Goldie Goes Global

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Where to shop in Tokyo – my top picks!

Did you think Tokyo was expensive? No no no – the food is amazing value for money, and shopping here is AMAZING. Of course, if you don’t know where to buy, it could be expensive… but that’s why this list exists – so you know where to go for the best shopping finds!


Table of contents

Don Quixote (souvenirs)

In search of cheap souvenirs? Don Quixote is the place to go – from flavored kitkat, to gel bandaids – we always hit Don Quixote whenever we’re in the area. However, do note that Don Quixote is traditionally MORE expensive versus local drugstores or supermarts. It’s just waay more convenient for tourists since you’ve got everything in one spot. So my pro tip for you? Make use of this Klook coupon so you can get a discount (to help with the slightly more expensive price): Don Quijote Discount Coupon in Japan

As I age, I find that my go-to purchases nowadays are usually of the drugstore stuff – things like anti-hangover pills, salonpas, nasal spray equivalent etc. Damn, I’m OLD


Generic drugstores (facial care)

Just because it’s a drugstore doesn’t mean the quality is shady! I go to the drugstore to stock up on my face car products – including Senka Perfect Whip, Moist Diane shampoo/treatment/hair masks, Soy bean toner and lotion, and the trusty Lululum face masks

Ainz Tulpe (cosmetics)

Ainz Tulpe has a comprehensive cosmetics collection, for the cosmetic brands and products you can’t find at the drugstores. I don’t buy cosmetics so no photos for reference. My sister bought loads though!

Peach John Store (bras)

READ IF YOU’RE FEMALE: Peach John Store is perfect for women with small breasts – their bras make your boobs look perkier and bigger!

Yodobashi Camera (electronics and home products)

Check out Yodobashi Camera – the most comprehensive electronics store in Japan. If us females want to go shopping and don’t want the guys to complain, dump them here and they’ll happily spend the afternoon away. Aside from electronics, they also have a decent home products selection – I bought my Zojirushi thermos here (and have since lost it huhu)

Tip: If you buy JPY 5,000 worth of goods, you can get tax free (if you bring your passport) AND an additional 5% off (if you use a Visa card)

Disney store

Okay, this is only for tsum tsum and Ufufy fanatics like me. I find that the Disney stores in Japan have a more comprehensive collection, and are competitively priced – therefore, it’s a no-brainer. I MUST go to the Disney store whenever I’m in town


And that’s a wrap for our shopping trip! Follow me on the rest of my Tokyo adventures 😉

For my other Japan blogs, please do check out the following:

Everything you need to know about Tokyo (as a DIY tourist)

Eating my way through Tokyo – top picks!

What to see and do in Okinawa


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