Goldie Goes Global

[The World in a Nutshell] WanderTales: Stories of adventures and misadventures

Samsam Chikin Boneless Chikin Medium – Soy Garlic, Gochujang, Honey Butter

Samsam Chikin officially opened last week, and I was SO excited to try it. One, because they had a 50% off promo. Second, because all these food bloggers were raving about it.

The journey to purchase this Korean boneless Chikin was a struggle indeed. On the first day their order form opened, I went to their website eagerly anticipating ordering, only to discover their website had crashed! I religiously went to their website every day to no avail. Finally! A friend told me I should message them on Viber instead. After 24 hours, they finally got back to me and my order was confirmed woohoo!

My order was as follows: (Note: 4 pcs per box)

  • 2 boxes Soy Garlic Boneless Chikin Medium
  • 2 boxes Gochujang Boneless Chikin Medium
  • 2 boxes Honey Butter Boneless Chikin Medium

I overordered. Apparently. So when they told me there were 4 pcs in one box, in my mind, I envisioned these puny chicken bites. And so I thought, I had better order more.

Dude, each piece is NOT small. Let me reiterate this point. Each piece of fried chicken is HUGE – practically the size of my hand. For reference, I only ended up eating 2 pieces for dinner… despite the fact they were so good, I would have loved to eat more, but really, I couldn’t anymore!

They’re handbreaded which results in this super crunchy skin! Mygosh, winner – NOT soggy at all. The meat remained tender and juicy (sooo important). Also very important – it’s boneless. So no need to worry about pesky bones ruining your meal.

Lastly, it’s marinated with imported Korean ingredients, resulting in the authentic 5 Korean flavors they have on offer:

  • Soy garlic: such a classic – arguably my favorite

  • Gochujang: it’s spicy!!! Not fire in your mouth spicy, but definitely requires you to wash down with a drink

  • Honey butter: sweet-ish although not cloyingly so

  • Honey soy: sweet and savoury!
  • Yangneom: sweet and spicy

Overall, I am SUPER happy with this purchase. Highly recommend!